Think globally, act locally.

How can you use the power of constituency with your elected representatives to demand gender research parity in your own backyard in the areas of health care, economic stability, crime and safety, and other key areas related to your organization’s work? Also, remember that “research” can take many forms. If you run an organization, do you know very much about the women who work for you? Do you know how—or if—your organizational culture and policies are elevating women? Do you know how women feel about working for, volunteering for or doing business with your organization? Are there women leading your organization on every level, all the way up to your board of directors?

Diversify your philanthropy to support gender-lens research.

We’re becoming more innovative about the way we think about philanthropy, but I think we still need to move the needle further when it comes to funding “nuts and bolts” nonprofit work. In other words, we need to fund research for soup kitchens with the same enthusiasm with which we fund the soup kitchens themselves—otherwise how will we know where to locate them for best effect, how they should be run and whether or not they’re effective?

This same concept applies to initiatives that improve equity for women—and by the way, supporting gender-lens research benefits funders as well as their community partners, not just in the form of prestigious sponsor credentials, but also with data that can be employed by a number of end users. My organization’s research, for example, is cited widely in regional news media, and it’s also used by a number of businesses, non-profit organizations and policy makers across our state.

You’re probably familiar with the expression “numbers don’t lie.” Like many old sayings, it became an old saying in the first place because it represents a fundamental truth. Time and again, the numbers point to continuing inequities for women and girls. But because we don’t always have enough numbers, or because the numbers are underused, they don’t paint a complete picture. We’re living in an age of information—I think it’s time to make it an age of better information that helps us create an equitable world for women and girls.