by Kristyn Senters | Feb 17, 2021 | Army of Advocates
The 87th Texas Legislative Session is in full swing and bills continue to be filed ahead of the filing deadline on March 12. As we wait to see what bills will make their way through the committees and come up for consideration, there are several issues the Texas...
by Kristyn Senters | Nov 19, 2020 | Army of Advocates
Americans cast a record-breaking 93 million early ballots, putting the 2020 election on track for historic levels of voter turnout. During early voting in Texas, 9,727,874 people — 57.4% of registered voters — voted in person and by mail, surpassing the total number...
by Kristyn Senters | Oct 15, 2020 | Army of Advocates
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many are being asked to stay home to keep themselves safe. However, staying home may not be safe for many women who experience domestic violence. Women make up the majority of domestic violence survivors and access to stable and...
by Kristyn Senters | Sep 17, 2020 | Army of Advocates
Do you know who Lila Cockrell, Julia Scott Reed or Juanita Craft are? They are just three of the valiant Texas women who were leaders in the fight for voting rights and are highlighted in our #CountHerIn campaign. It’s been 100 years since the passage of the...
by Kristyn Senters | Aug 26, 2020 | Army of Advocates
Earlier this year, we shared with you the importance of completing the 2020 Census and how it is essential to our democracy. It will not only determine how many representatives Texas will have in Congress, it will also be used by the federal government to allocate...
by Kristyn Senters | Jul 9, 2020 | Army of Advocates
This month, our focus is on housing stability. For most Texas women, housing is their largest monthly expense. Where a woman lives determines where her children go to school, how long her commute to work is, and whether she feels safe. Did you know, in Texas the...