Dear friends,
As the season turns and schools will soon close for Spring Break, many families are planning holidays together, with trips to the beach or the mountains. But for many more families throughout North Texas, and especially for low-income working mothers, getting ready for Spring Break is a stressful challenge of scrambling to meet the demands of their jobs while seeking an affordable option for safe, quality care for their children.
You can help.
We know from our study, “Economic Issues for Women in Texas,” that the average cost of care for one child is about $5,000 per year. We also know that a single woman heads one out of every four families with children, and that 53% of households in poverty are headed by women. This means that a typical single mom in our state, who is earning just above the poverty line at about $24,000 per year, will pay 21% of her annual income for child care for one child.
You can help a hard-working, low-income single mom gain access to quality child care – which is one of the basic building blocks for a woman’s economic security. With reliable and affordable options, she can transform her life and her children’s lives.
With your support, Dallas Women’s Foundation is helping low-income single moms today. Our Child Care Access Fund is enabling access to high-quality, reliable, affordable, year-round child care in neighborhoods where low-income mothers live and work – giving moms the opportunity to go to work or to school, and empowering them to secure their family’s economic future. You can view our infographic to learn more about the innovative initiatives we are funding and the women and children we are helping together.
Give a gift of $25 today – you can help provide a full day of quality care to one deserving child, and help a hard-working, low-income mom make it through Spring Break!
Roslyn Dawson Thompson
President & CEO