by txwfwomensfdev | Aug 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Dallas Innovates By: Alex Edwards As the first African-American giving circle in the state of Texas, the HERitage Giving Fund is opening doors for female philanthropists of color. Applications are open for this year’s grant of up to $10,000, but hurry—the...
by txwfwomensfdev | Aug 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Dallas Morning News By: Deborah Fleck The Dallas Women’s Foundation announced eight new board members who will serve three-year terms from 2018-21. It’s also named A. Shonn Brown as chair-elect. Brown, a partner with Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst, has...
by txwfwomensfdev | Aug 20, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Park Cities People By: Bianca Montes Dallas Women’s Foundation has announced eight new board members, who will serve three-year terms from 2018-2021, and has also named Preston Hollow resident A. Shonn Brown as its chair-elect. Brown, a partner with Lynn Pinker...
by txwfwomensfdev | Jul 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: My Sweet Charity By: Jeanne Prejean Dallas Women’s Foundation President/CEO Ros Dawson just revealed that attorney Shonn Brown has been named the foundation’s chair-elect. Shonn will take over from current Board Chair Caren K. Lock on Monday, July 1, 2019. Having...
by txwfwomensfdev | Jul 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Dallas Business Journal HERitage Giving Fund at Dallas Women’s Foundation held a panel discussion about powerful philanthropy at the Foundation’s offices.