by txwfwomensfdev | Jun 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Culture Map What: The Village Giving Circle launch reception Where: The home of Shonn Brown The 411: A spring launch of the Village Giving Circle at Dallas Women’s Foundation raised more than $106,000, thanks to the efforts of over 40 founding members. The new...
by txwfwomensfdev | Jun 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Dallas Morning News By: Holly Haber The Dallas Women’s Foundation has raised $42.7 million of a $50 million campaign to support its programs that aim to boost the financial security and professional advancement of North Texas women. “Women make up an...
by txwfwomensfdev | Jun 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Advocate Magazine Shonn Brown of Preston Hollow (far right) hosted the Dallas Women’s Foundation meeting. The Village Giving Circle at Dallas Women’s Foundation joins two other giving circles hosted at Dallas Women’s Foundation: HERitage Giving Circle and Orchid...
by txwfwomensfdev | Jun 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: Dallas Morning News By: Cheryl Hall Will you still be working when the gender pay gap finally closes? Although Lone Star women have made progress, they still fall way short when it comes to earning the same pay as men for comparable jobs. If trends hold steady,...
by txwfwomensfdev | May 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
Via: My Sweet Charity By: Jeanne Prejean While the NFL was having its final draft day at AT&T Stadium, a group of pioneering women were making their own news by launching The Village Giving Circle at attorney Shonn Brown’s home on the afternoon of Sunday, April...