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Be a part of the Giving Circle
Texas Women’s Foundation hosts and supports a Giving Circle, which is a group that has come together through a shared experience, culture or interest.
The Giving Circle raises money each year and focuses their support on organizations that serve or address their specific area of experience, culture or interest. The Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation is aligned with our core mission and values of advancing the economic security and leadership opportunities for women, girls and families.
Texas Women’s Foundation is honored to host and support Giving Circles that are empowering their members to combine resources to award impactful grants to effective organizations. Since 2015, the Giving Circles have awarded more than $3M to community organizations in North Texas.

H100 Latina Giving Circle at Texas Women's Foundation
About H100 Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation
The H100 Latina Giving Circle is a committee of Hispanic 100, representing a 25-year history of delivering and transforming Latina women and girls through its collective strength and experiences to influence change.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the H100 Latina Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation is to encourage philanthropy in the Hispanic/Latina community to contribute strategically and meaningfully throughout the DFW area. The H100 Latina Giving Circle provides the opportunity to learn about issues and organizations that affect and impact Hispanic women and girls.
About Us:
The H100 Latina Giving Circle is open to all donors who have a desire to work together, pooling their resources and leveraging their networks and expertise, to award community grants that support social change and services for the DFW area. H100 Latina Giving Circle members represent a wide range of Hispanic cultures, ethnicities, and professions to increase the economic empowerment of local Hispanic women and girls.
Our History:
In 2004, the Hispanic 100 created a Donor Advised Fund at the Dallas Foundation and awarded numerous grants to organizations committed to empowering and advancing Latina women and girls across North Texas.
In 2019, the Hispanic 100 moved the Donor Advised Fund to the Texas Women’s Foundation and simultaneously launched the Latina Giving Circle (LGC). This new partnership further enhances our philanthropic outreach and inclusion of all donors interested in supporting the economic empowerment of Latina women and girls across the DFW metroplex. Since 2019, H100 Latina Giving Circle has awarded $672,500 through 136 grants and 49 non-profit organizations.
Our Giving Strategy:
Latinas earn less than all other women and men, and as a result, they must work longer than everyone else to be equal in pay. H100 Latina Giving Circle seeks to close the gap for Latinas and improve the lives of Latina women and girls by funding programs that increase security and safety and foster economic empowerment. We support programs that demonstrate economic empowerment, data-driven impact, cultural awareness and inclusion, and community commitment focusing on Latina women and girls’ long-term stability and life prosperity.
Grant Cycle Timeline:
- Online application available: March 22, 2024, at 9am CST
- Application deadline for 2024: May 3, 2024, at 5pm CST
- Notification of site visit or elimination from consideration: June 17, 2024
- Virtual & On- Site Meeting period: August 12 – August 16, 2024
- Final notification of grant status: September 6, 2024
Grant Guidelines & application questions:
Learn More about H100 Latina Giving Circle:

H100 Giving Circle Committee Members
Adriana O’Campo, H100 Board President
Maria de la Espinoza, Co-Chair
Jennifer Treviño, Co-Chair
Kim Cummings
Yareli Esteban, Grants Chair
Laura V. Estrada
Anette Landeros
Monica Lira Bravo
Monica C. Menzel
Letty Minkoff
Silvana Rosero
Lisa Tenorio Truppa
Linda Valdez Thompson
Dr. Bianka Soria-Olmos
Brianne Martin
Claudia Davila
Emma Trevino
Isabela Garcia
Jessica Gomez
Melissa Amoros Sol
Dr. Olga Martinez Hickman
Suzana Delgado-Gray