by Kristyn Senters | Jun 17, 2020 | Economic Security, News
Via: Fox 4 By: Erin Davis DALLAS – The demographic of a typical Texas woman is a 36-year-old woman of color making $35,000 a year or less. In a webinar Tuesday, the Texas Women’s Foundation covered their new economic report about issues women in Texas are facing...
by Kristyn Senters | Jun 16, 2020 | Economic Security, News
Via: Dallas Morning News By: Dom Furio A new study provides a stark update on inequities facing women in the Texas economy, including a wage gap that hasn’t budged in the last decade. What does a typical Texas woman look like in 2020? She’s a millennial in her...
by Kristyn Senters | Jun 16, 2020 | Economic Security, News
Via: DBJ By: Taylor Tompkins The average Texas woman may not be who you think she is. She’s a millennial — 36 years old to be exact. She is a woman of color living in a city and making $35,000 a year or less. She’s working to support her family. The Texas Women’s...
by Kristyn Senters | Jun 16, 2020 | Economic Security, News
Via: My Sweet Charity By: Glenn Hunter While women make up half the Texas population and play a significant role in the state’s workforce, they continue to lag and face challenges when it comes to key indicators of economic security. That’s the conclusion, at least,...
by txwfwomensfdev | May 23, 2019 | Economic Security, News, Uncategorized
Via: Plano Star Courier By: Kelsey Samuels The Texas Women’s Foundation revealed in a recent study that, though women in Collin County earn more than women in neighboring counties, women are still not making as much as men. According to the study, Collin County...
by txwfwomensfdev | May 23, 2019 | Economic Security, News, Uncategorized
Via: CBS4 By: Salina Madrid The report shows that in El Paso, 20.4% of women live in poverty, making it one of the highest poverty rates in the state of Texas. A report released by the Texas Women’s Foundation highlights many areas of gender disparities in the...