by txwfwomensfdev | Mar 3, 2016 | Economic Security, News
Dear friends, As the season turns and schools will soon close for Spring Break, many families are planning holidays together, with trips to the beach or the mountains. But for many more families throughout North Texas, and especially for low-income working mothers,...
by txwfwomensfdev | Nov 15, 2015 | Economic Security, News
Economic Issues for Women in Texas received the Community Indicators Consortium’s 2015 Impact Award for using data to engage diverse audiences around the issue of women’s economic security. Dallas Women’s Foundation Economic Security Director, Lauren...
by txwfwomensfdev | Sep 28, 2015 | Economic Security, News
We’ve been sharing lots of information about women’s economic security lately. Economic security, sometimes referred to as financial stability, means having the resources, including human, social and financial capital, that provide safeguards against crisis and a...